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Work through Maison Sport for peak weeks is almost guaranteed. Every instructor that used Maison Sport this winter part time, noticed an average increase in their earnings of 70% compared to when they worked for a school.

So for those working 5 weeks this represents a difference of over €5000. Instead of €7000 they earned over €12,000.

It’s also super easy to use, you sign up (which takes less than 5 minutes) and create your profile on the way. Once live you can easily tailor your pricing and availability, allowing your account to be fully set up inside 10 minutes. Our instructor support team are also on hand if you need any help.

Peak week bookings for next winter are already coming in so be sure to sign up as soon as this winter finishes. Early bookings will give you peace of mind and ensure you have a successful season using Maison Sport.

If you have any questions about how much to charge or are still unsure if you will get enough work, then please get in touch with us at [email protected]