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Jacopo grew up skiing in the Italian Alps but moved to France one year ago to work for a ski school. This summer he got in touch with us to see how Maison Sport could help him make the transition into becoming an independent. After a few phone calls he decided to go for it and leave his ski school; read why he wanted to make the move and why you should too!

MS: How long have you been a ski instructor?

Jacopo: 4 years

MS: What’s your resort of choice and why?

Jacopo: Val Thorens, it is part of the largest ski area in the world, the snow is guaranteed and the season is longer thanks to the altitude, there is a great park area and the town is very friendly.

MS: You decided to leave your ski school this summer and use Maison Sport instead, why was that?

Jacopo: It’s been my biggest dream over the past few years and Maison Sport just made it real. I wanted to reduce the quantity of my lessons in a season and increase the quality, it makes me very happy because I am a passionate freeskier and I NEED to go skiing and keep learning. A very important part of it is that I can finally wear what I like, I don’t need a uniform to get people’s trust.

MS: Did you have any concerns about using Maison Sport before you signed up?

Jacopo: Yes, to be honest.

MS: Do you still have those concerns?

Jacopo: Not anymore, Maison Sport is great man!

MS: Even though you only recently signed up I can see you already have 2 bookings, how did you find the process of accepting these bookings?

Jacopo: I found it very easy, Nick helped me a lot and there’s still some things I’ll need to learn, but it is fast, sure and efficient. I’d like to have an app, but the website works perfectly.

MS: The app is something we are working on and should be available this winter. What is the best thing for you so far about Maison Sport?

Jacopo: You’re giving me freedom guys, I’ll finally have time to make friends, land tricks, live moments, share passions and still earn some money!

MS: Is there any advice you would give another instructor thinking of going independent?

Jacopo: Do it now because it will change your life. If you’re a passionate rider just like me or you want to  make sure your lessons are excellent, have great kit, you’re fluent in a few languages and you have good communication skills then go for it. Learn how to promote and sell yourself and you’ll get even more lessons. Then smile to people be humble and have a good time. 

Maison Sport is helping instructors move from working for ski schools to working for themselves, you can earn upto 35% more and give yourself more free time by making this move. 

For more information on Maison Sport click here.