If you’re already planning on using Maison Sport next winter, then it’s best to sign up right away, so as soon as this winter ends!
We are already receiving enquiries for 2019, so by ensuring your profile is live as soon as possible will enable you to make the most of these great bookings. We know this feels early, but many ski schools take 50% of their winter revenue in pre-bookings, before the 1st of December, so it should be no different for an independent instructor.
So far, Maison Sport has had a great winter and in what is just our second season, we have been able to support over 200 instructors with bookings. Moving into next winter, we will continue to develop Maison Sport to improve our service – this includes a huge list of product upgrades and new functionality. Our expectation is for these changes to improve the customer’s experience, resulting in more bookings for instructors. Our functionality upgrades will help instructors sell their time in a better and more efficient way, helping ensure you only receive bookings that suit you.
If you have any questions or are unsure whether to sign up, please get in touch with the Maison Sport team at [email protected].