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As ski and snowboard instructors, you spend more time with guests in ski resorts than almost anyone else, because of this you get more insight into their holiday than almost anyone else. Therefore, we believe instructors are well positioned to provide unique insights into customer experiences on their ski and snowboard holidays.

We are running this survey with the plan to gather the information and turn it into an instructor insights report. We are looking to help the ski industry move forwards, ensuring customers have fantastic experiences with you for years to come.

We would like to invite you to take part in this survey and encourage you to share this link with your fellow ski and snowboard instructors. The more information we are able to gather the higher the quality of report we will be able to provide for you. All answers will be anonymous but you will be able to input your email at the end if you wish to receive a copy of the report once it has been completed.

Please note that this survey is only to be completed if you are currently working as a ski or snowboard instructor.

Click here to take part in the survey today!