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Have you used our Find Clients page yet? Make sure you are taking advantage of this page by checking it regularly – after 18 months away from the slopes we know you’ll want to maximise your earnings this winter. 

You may find a great enquiry for a week where you have zero work, or it could just be a couple of extra hours which slot in between your other bookings. 

We’re always looking for ways to ensure you can increase your earnings and this feature is one not to be missed this winter! 

How does the Find Clients page work? 

The Find clients page, also known as the enquiries board, is where we will post a customer enquiry when customers are unable to secure a booking with the instructors, they initially messaged. 

Where can you find the Find Clients page?

You can access the Find Clients page by logging into your account and clicking on the tab called “Find Clients” in the top toolbar of your user area as shown below. If there is an enquiry which you are interested in and available for, click on “View” as highlighted below. 

This will take you to this page below where you can see the customer and enquiry details and where you can send them a direct message.

Once you click on “send a message to the customer” you will be taken to the direct messaging board where you can begin to type your message. We recommend that you be as precise as possible, so the customer has all the information to book you easily and quickly.

Once you have written your message, click “Send Message”. When the customer replies, it will appear in your “Messages” page, and you will receive an email notification.

Don’t forget to download our Maison Sport Instructor app in order to receive push notifications directly on your smartphone when the customer replies. 

Even if the customer enquiry was made a while ago, it still may be worth sending the customer a message if you are available, as customers can sometimes make enquiries in advance and may still not have found an instructor. 

How to effectively use the Find Clients page?

The instructors who have the most success using the Find Clients page are the ones that do these three key things: 


  • Check the board regularly throughout the day so you can message a potential customer as soon as their enquiry is posted on the board – it’s likely if a customer doesn’t have any success with their initial enquiry on Maison Sport, then they will start to look at other companies. 

  • Don’t forget to include details about your availability and pricing. Even if it is slightly different to what the customer originally wanted, they may be tempted for the right instructor. 

  • It is always super useful to inform the customer with some of your key attributes and experience and how it fits with their requirements. 


Follow us on Instagram! 

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and we will add you to our ‘Close Friends’ stories which we have created for our instructor community – where we also post some customer enquiries on our stories. Therefore, to not miss out on any bookings, you could be among the first people to also see the enquiries as soon as they get posted on our Instagram.

Keep your eyes peeled for customer enquiries which look like this:

If you have any questions or want to find out how you can greatly improve your Maison Sport profile to receive more bookings, send us an email at [email protected], call us or Whatsapp us at +44 0203 856 8307. 

You can also book an appointment with a member of our Instructor Community team to discuss any questions you have about Maison Sport, your profile or just the season in general. The appointments will be 15 minutes long and take place on Zoom. Click here to book.