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To help you manage your calendars throughout the season, we have introduced new calendar templates. These templates allow you to easily set default calendar options based on our recommendations, enabling you to secure as many bookings as possible and amplify your earnings in both peak and off-peak weeks. 

We have developed four calendar templates that implement:

  1. Recommended Pricing 
  2. Recommended Time Slots
  3. Recommended Booking Rules
  4. Recommended Afternoon Discounts


These calendar templates are unique to each resort and have been created using insights from historical booking data, competitor analysis and instructor feedback. They are designed to optimise your calendars for bookings and make them easier to manage.

How to Apply Our New Calendar Templates:

You can apply our new calendar templates to your calendar in 3 quick steps:

  1. Click the ‘Templates’ button on the calendar page of your Maison Sport account
  2. Select the calendar templates that you would like to apply
  3. Click ‘Apply template’


Once applied, your calendar will be automatically updated. Any events that you have manually added to your calendar will not be affected. After the template has been applied, you will still be able to update pricing, change time slots and add or delete bookings rules. Please note that the calendar templates can only be applied based on your main resort and selected templates will be applied across the entire season.