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Instant Book is revolutionising the way customers book and simplifying the process for instructors to secure more bookings.

Customers love the convenience of securing their booking instantly and easily. In fact, our data shows that Instant Book can be the make or break for customers when booking an instructor and this is because Instant Book provides them with a quick and flawless experience. A customer would rather book an instructor with Instant Book than one without in order to have the security that their booking is confirmed instantly. 

In turn, the advantage for instructors is that you will appear higher in the customer search results which undoubtedly secures you more bookings and it is also significantly less work for you – sounds too good to be true! This is because you no longer have to remember to log in to your account to accept your booking requests or worry that your booking will expire if you don’t respond in time. You can simply look forward to bookings rolling in and hitting the slopes to do what you do best! 

Instant Book simply provides customers with a 5-star service and at the same time, makes your life easier by saving you valuable time and making more revenue in bookings. 

Check out our blog here to read all about how Instant Book can increase your revenue and click here to find out the answers to your top Instant Book questions.

Since launching Instant Book in December 2020, we saw the enormous success it brought to our instructors in Switzerland. In fact, our data shows that last year, 65% of bookings were Instant Books, which is a significant figure considering the unfortunate strain Covid had put on the ski and travel industry. These instructors also doubled their revenue compared to the previous year and we saw a huge influx of instructors in Switzerland enabling Instant Book as we announced the launch. 

This is a great testament to how having Instant Book can increase your revenue and double the number of bookings you can make for seasons to come. Therefore, as the bookings are rolling in this winter, we want to ensure you are in the best position to double your revenue this season.

Airbnb have used this model successfully for years and customers now expect it so we needed to offer the same service. In fact, their research also suggests that enabling Instant Book can more than double your revenue and bookings. This comes as no surprise as consumers seek quick and easy booking experiences and who can blame them? We can all vouch for the fact that “we want our deliveries within an hour, our downloads within a minute and our news in an instant” and booking ski lessons on Maison Sport is no different. 

As customers become more tech-savvy and booking experiences constantly evolve, we want to ensure you’re in the prime position to offer customers the same flawless booking experience they receive from other great booking platforms. 

⚡️How to turn on Instant Book

To activate Instant Book on your profile, first ensure that your calendar is up to date and ready to receive bookings on all your available days. Then, go to the ‘Settings’ tab of your account and click the slider button underneath the Instant Book so that it reads ‘On’.

Once the Instant book button reads ‘On’, click ‘Save changes’ as shown below.

Customers will be able to see if you have activated Instant Book from both the search results page and on your profile as shown below.

If you’re intrigued by the possibility of attracting more customers to your profile and securing you more bookings, Instant Book is the quick and easy answer. The best part is that it is less time consuming and more profitable on your part. 

Book a 15-minute zoom appointment here to speak with a member of our instructor community team to ensure you are in the best position to find the maximum number of clients this season. 

Instructor Q&A – Maison Sport