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Cairngorm Mountain, positioned at 1,245m, is an appealing resort with an electric atmosphere and phenomenal skiing options. The resort is a prominent part of the Cairngorms National Park in Scotland, which offers 30km of skiable terrain. Cairngorm Mountain is recognised for its typically reliable snow conditions and is one of the most popular skiing destinations in the UK.

The resort is equipped with an effective lift system and offers a variety of terrain to explore. While it is best suited for intermediate and advanced skiers, Cairngorm Mountain also provides a selection of runs for beginners.

Cairngorm Mountain Ski Area

The ski area on Cairngorm Mountain is divided into two main areas: the Northern Corries and Coire Cas. The Northern Corries provide access to the M1, M2, Ciste Bowl, and Traverse routes, while Coire Cas boasts the Ptarmigan Bowl and the White Lady run. In total, the ski area on Cairngorm Mountain consists of 23 runs, with 13% green, 30% blue, 35% red, and 22% black.

Beginner Skiing on Cairngorm Mountain

While Cairngorm Mountain is renowned for its challenging runs, it also offers great options for beginners. The excellent snow conditions are ideal for first-timers, and there are two main beginner areas: the Daylodge Poma and the Sheiling area. Once you’re comfortable on these slopes, there are more challenging green runs to try, like the Fiacaill Ridge and the Car Park Tow run.

Intermediate Skiing on Cairngorm Mountain

Cairngorm Mountain is a fantastic resort for intermediate skiers looking to push their skills. With a variety of blue and red runs to explore, intermediate skiers will have plenty of choices. The M2 and Traverse runs in the Northern Corries area are perfect for intermediate skiers, offering a mix of wide, cruising slopes and more challenging sections. For a unique experience, intermediate skiers should try the White Lady run, a famous red run that offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Remember, the grading system on Cairngorm Mountain leans towards the challenging end of the scale, so don’t be disheartened if you find the runs more difficult than expected!

Advanced Skiing on Cairngorm Mountain

Cairngorm Mountain has earned its reputation as a top resort for advanced skiers. With 22% of its runs being black, there is a wealth of challenging terrain to explore. The East Wall of Coire an t-Sneachda is a must-try for advanced skiers, with its steep incline and challenging moguls. For a real thrill, try the West Wall in Coire na Ciste, known for its steep, ungroomed terrain and exhilarating descents.

Off-piste Skiing on Cairngorm Mountain

Cairngorm Mountain is a paradise for advanced skiers and features some of the best off-piste skiing in the UK. From steep chutes to snow-filled bowls, there is a wealth of off-piste terrain to explore. Notably, the East Wall of Coire an t-Sneachda and the West Wall in Coire na Ciste are popular off-piste routes. Remember, if you plan to venture off-piste, it’s crucial to have a local guide or instructor with the necessary skills and knowledge to ensure your safety.


Cairngorm Mountain is a superb skiing destination that caters to all skill levels, from beginners to advanced skiers. With its stunning views, challenging runs, and extensive off-piste options, it’s a must-visit resort for any ski enthusiast. Come and explore Cairngorm Mountain for a thrilling and unforgettable ski experience.