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Guaranteed income 

Most instructors are confident they will work sufficient hours working for a reputable ski school, some schools are even willing to put their instructors on contracts guaranteeing them a certain number of hours. This safety net enables instructors to relax and be confident they can pay their bills.  

Maison Sport is still a fairly new concept for most instructors, so this safety net doesn’t exist in quite the same way, over time this will change but in the short term here are a few stats to support working for yourself:

Ski schools take a large percentage of the lesson cost (37.5% on average), so in order to earn the same amount of money as working for a ski school, an instructor could work around 37.5% less or a total of about 300 hours across the winter. With this in mind, the upside of working as an independent instructor is really high, with potential earnings reaching €50,000! At the time of writing this article, there are a number of instructors with earnings of more than €25,000 for this winter, with 6 weeks left of bookings. We recently wrote a blog post on this here. 

We will also guarantee hours for some instructors in certain resorts, so please get in touch with us to see if you can qualify. 

“There is always next year” 

There might not be. Currently demand clearly outweighs supply, so we have an open door policy for instructors in each resort. This may change in the future as more instructors sign up, so some resorts may be subject to a maximum number of instructors listed on the platform. 

Not sure how to sell ski lessons

You might be great on the hill, but most instructors have limited experience selling ski lessons, let alone know how to maximise their time over the course of the winter. The Maison Sport team are here to help with this, we have plenty of industry knowledge and will spend time with you to help set up your season on your calendar, making sure you really make the most of your availability.

The Team 

One of the big upsides of being part of a ski school is the support that comes with being part of a team, on the hill and off. Maison Sport can be easily reached by phone or email and will always provide instructors with support when they need it – the reality is that when you work as an independent instructor, other instructors are just as friendly as before, and the strong network between independents and the instructors working for ski schools, still exists.

Maison Sport aims to increase the strength of this network over time. 

Taking the leap 

Making the final step and committing to a big change such as this can be difficult. If you’re tempted to change, but have slightly cold feet, or are concerned by some of the risks involved with taking the leap into working independently, please get in touch with the Maison Sport team. We are always on hand and happy to discuss the decision through with you.