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St. Anton Am Arlberg is a truly charming and lively resort with an impressive skiing area. Located at 1,300m altitude, this world-renowned resort forms part of the Arlberg ski area which boasts 305km of skiable terrain. The Valluga peak stands as the highest point in the resort, reaching up to 2,811m and offering stunning panoramic views of the surrounding Tyrolean mountains.

With an extensive and efficient lift system, there’s much to explore. The resort is best suited for intermediate and advanced skiers, offering a variety of thrilling runs and off-piste skiing. It also provides some beginner-friendly areas. Read on to discover our comprehensive guide to skiing in St. Anton Am Arlberg.

St. Anton Am Arlberg Ski Area

St. Anton’s ski area is divided into four main sectors; Galzig, Gampen & Nasserein, Rendl, and Valluga. Accessible directly from the town centre, these sectors offer a vast range of runs. The ski area in St. Anton Am Arlberg includes 200 pistes, with 34% being blue, 37% red and 29% black.

Beginner Skiing in St. Anton Am Arlberg

Although St. Anton is known as a destination for more experienced skiers, it does offer some suitable slopes for beginners. There are several nursery slopes around the Rendl and Nasserein areas which are perfect for those just starting out. As you advance, areas such as Galzig offer gentle blue runs to build confidence, like the Galzigbahn descent. However, it’s worth noting that the beginner pistes can be quite high up the mountain, so novices may prefer to take the lift back to the resort.

Intermediate Skiing in St. Anton Am Arlberg

St. Anton is a paradise for intermediate skiers seeking to challenge themselves. With several blue and red runs, intermediates will have plenty of options to choose from. The Gampen & Nasserein area offers a variety of wide, sweeping blues and more challenging reds. For those looking for a bit more of a thrill, Galzig offers some of the steepest reds in the area, like the Kandahar run, which is often used for championship races. Be aware that the grading system can be slightly more challenging compared to other resorts in Austria, so be prepared to push your limits.

Advanced Skiing in St. Anton Am Arlberg

St. Anton’s reputation as a top resort for advanced skiers is well-deserved. With a significant proportion of black runs, there’s an array of challenging terrain to tackle. The most famous run is probably the Valluga North Face, known for its steep and ungroomed terrain. This is not for the faint-hearted and requires a guide due to avalanche risk. Another thrilling run is Schindler Spitze, with a 70% gradient, it promises an adrenaline-fuelled descent!

Off-piste Skiing in St. Anton Am Arlberg

St. Anton is a dream destination for off-piste skiing enthusiasts. With a wide variety of off-piste areas, from steep couloirs to open powder fields, the resort promises thrilling adventures. The most popular off-piste route is probably the Mattun route, known for its steep, untouched powder snowfields. For those seeking a challenge, the Valluga North Face offers an intense off-piste experience. Always remember to hire a local guide or instructor who can ensure your safety while off-piste.


St. Anton Am Arlberg offers a unique blend of traditional charm, lively après-ski and varied skiing terrain. It truly is a must-visit for any ski enthusiast. Whether you’re a beginner looking to enhance your skills, an intermediate seeking a challenge, or an advanced skier seeking off-piste adventures, St. Anton won’t disappoint.

Book Ski Lessons in St. Anton Am Arlberg with Maison Sport

Regardless of your ability, St. Anton Am Arlberg caters to all types of skiers. To maximise your trip, we recommend booking an instructor who can guide you to the best runs for your skill level and enhance your skiing experience.